Bare Acts

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Section 45 Indian Penal Code, 1860 – Section 45 IPC

Section 45 IPC 45. “Life”.—The word “life” denotes the life of a human being, unless the contrary appears from the context. Next : Section  46 –> | <– Previous : Section 44 –> IPC Index –> IPC Bare Act –> IPC Chapters –> IPC Notes

Section 44 Indian Penal Code, 1860 – Section 44 IPC

Section 44 IPC 44. “Injury”.—The word “injury” denotes any harm whatever illegally caused to any person, in body, mind, reputation or property. Next : Section  45 –> | <– Previous : Section 43 –> IPC Index –> IPC Bare Act –> IPC Chapters –> IPC Notes

Section 42 Indian Penal Code, 1860 – Section 42 IPC

Section 42 IPC 42. “Local law”.—A “local law” is a law applicable only to a particular part of India Next : Section  43 –> | <– Previous : Section 41 –> IPC Index –> IPC Bare Act –> IPC Chapters –> IPC Notes

Section 41 Indian Penal Code, 1860 – Section 41 IPC

Section 41 IPC 41. “Special law”.—A “special law” is a law applicable to a particular subject. Next : Section  42 –> | <– Previous : Section 40 –> IPC Index –> IPC Bare Act –> IPC Chapters –> IPC Notes