Bare Acts

Bare Acts, Indian Bare Acts, Free online Acts

Drugs And Cosmetics Act, 1940

ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS CHAPTER IINTRODUCTOR SECTIONS Section 1 : Short title, extent and commencement. Section 2 : Application of other laws not barred. Section 3 : Definitions. Section 3A : Construction of references to any law not in force or any functionary not inexistence in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Section 4 : Presumption …

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Indian Evidence Act 1872

Indian Evidence Act 1872 ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS PART IRELEVANCY OF FACTSCHAPTER I. –– PRELIMINARY SECTIONS Section 1 : Short title. Extent. Commencement of Act Section 2 : [Repealed.] Section 3 : Interpretation-clause. “Court”. “Fact”. “Relevant”. “Facts in issue”. “Document”. “Evidence”. “Proved”. “Disproved”. “Not proved”. “India”. Section 4 : “May Presume.” “Shall presume.” “Conclusive proof”. CHAPTER …

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Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 PREAMBLE PRELIMINARY SECTIONS Section 1 : Short title, extent and commencement. PART I : ARBITRATION CHAPTER I :  General provisions Section 2 : Definitions. Section 3 : Receipt of written communications. Section 4 : Waiver of right to object. Section 5 : Extent of judicial intervention. Section 6 : Administrative …

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