Section 72 Copyright Act, 1957

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Section 72 Copyright Act, Section 72 of CA

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4[72. Appeals against orders of Registrar of Copyrights.—(1) Any person aggrieved by any final decision or order of the Registrar of Copyrights may, within three months from the date of the order or decision, appeal to the High Court.

(2) Every such appeal shall be heard by a single Judge of the High Court:

Provided that any such Judge may, if he so thinks fit, refer the appeal at any stage of the proceeding to a Bench of the High Court.

(3) Where an appeal is heard by a single Judge, a further appeal shall lie to a Bench of the High Court within three months from the date of decision or order of the single Judge.

(4) In calculating the period of three months provided for an appeal under this section, the time taken in granting a certified copy of the order or record of the decision appealed against shall be excluded.]

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