Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
[Act No. 2 of 1974] [25th January, 1974]
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to Criminal Procedure.
BE it enacted by Parliament in the twenty-fourth Year of the Republic of India as follows:—
(Sec. 1 – 5) Chapter I : Preliminary
1. Short title, extent and commencement.—(1) This Act may be called the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
(2) It extends to the whole of India 1***:
Provided that the provisions of this Code, other than those relating to Chapters VIII, X and XI thereof, shall not apply—
(a) to the State of Nagaland,
(b) to the tribal areas,
but the concerned State Government may, by notification, apply such provisions or any of them to the whole or part of the State of Nagaland or such tribal areas, as the case may be, with such supplemental, incidental or consequential modifications, as may be specified in the notification.
Explanation.—In this section, “tribal areas” means the territories which immediately before the 21st day of January, 1972, were included in the tribal areas of Assam, as referred to in paragraph 20 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution, other than those within the local limits of the municipality of Shillong.
(3) It shall come into force on the 1st day of April, 1974.
1. The words “except the State of Jammu and Kashmir” omitted by Act 34 of 2019, s. 95 and the Fifth Schedule (w.e.f. 31- 10- 2019).
In the Code of Criminal Procedure (Haryana Amendment) Act, 2014,-In section 1, after figures “2014”, the words “as extended to the Union territory of Chandigarh” shall be inserted;
[Vide Notification No. GSR929(E) dated 16th December, 2019.]
In the Code of Criminal Procedure (Manipur Amendment) Act, 1982 (Manipur Act No. 3 of 1983), hereinafter referred to as the principal Act, for the sub-section (3) of section 1, the following shall be substituted, namely,–
“(3) It shall come into force, on its publication in the official Gazette, in such area of the State of Manipur and shall remain in force during such period as the notification issued under section 3 of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 declaring that area to be a disturbed area shall be in operation, but its expiry under the operation of this sub-section shall not affect—
(a) the previous operation of, or anything duly done or suffered under, this act, or
(b) any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accured or incurred under this Act, or
(c) any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any offence under this Act, or
(d) any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right, privilege, obligation, liability, penalty, forfeiture or punishment as aforesaid,
and any such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued or enforced any such penalty, forfeiture or punishment may be imposed as if this Act had not expired.”.
[Vide Manipur Act 10 of 1983, s. 2]
2. Definitions.—In this Code, unless the context otherwise requires,—
(a) “bailable offence” means an offence which is shown as bailable in the First Schedule, or which is made bailable by any other law for the time being in force; and “non-bailable offence” means any other offence;
(b) “charge” includes any head of charge when the charge contains more heads than one;
(c) “cognizable offence” means an offence for which, and “cognizable case” means a case in which, a police officer may, in accordance with the First Schedule or under any other law for the time being in force, arrest without warrant;
(d) “complaint” means any allegation made orally or in writing to a Magistrate, with a view to his taking action under this Code, that some person, whether known or unknown, has committed an offence, but does not include a police report.
Explanation.—A report made by a police officer in a case which discloses, after investigation, the commission of a non-cognizable offence shall be deemed to be a complaint; and the police officer by whom such report is made shall be deemed to be the complainant;
(e) “High Court” means,—
(i) in relation to any State, the High Court for that State;
(ii) in relation to a Union territory to which the jurisdiction of the High Court for a State has been extended by law, that High Court;
(iii) in relation to any other Union territory, the highest Court of criminal appeal for that
territory other than the Supreme Court of India;
(f) “India” means the territories to which this Code extends;
(g) “inquiry” means every inquiry, other than a trial, conducted under this Code by a Magistrate or Court;
(h) “investigation” includes all the proceedings under this Code for the collection of evidence conducted by a police officer or by any person (other than a Magistrate) who is authorised by a Magistrate in this behalf;
(i) “judicial proceeding” includes any proceeding in the course of which evidence is or may be legally taken on oath;
(j) “local jurisdiction”, in relation to a Court or Magistrate, means the local area within which the Court or Magistrate may exercise all or any of its or his powers under this Code 1[and such local area may comprise the whole of the State, or any part of the State, as the State Government may, by notification, specify];
(k) “metropolitan area” means the area declared, or deemed to be declared, under section 8, to be a metropolitan area;’
(l) “non-cognizable offence” means an offence for which, and “non-cognizable case” means a case in which, a police officer has no authority to arrest without warrant;
(m) “notification” means a notification published in the Official Gazette;
(n) “offence” means any act or omission made punishable by any law for the time being in force and includes any act in respect of which a complaint may be made under section 20 of the Cattle-trespass Act, 1871 (1 of 1871);
(o) “officer in charge of a police station” includes, when the officer in charge of the police station is absent from the station-house or unable from illness or other cause to perform his duties, the police officer present at the station-house who is next in rank to such officer and is above the rank of constable or, when the State Government so directs, any other police officer so present;
(p) “place” includes a house, building, tent, vehicle and vessel;
(q) “pleader”, when used with reference to any proceeding in any Court, means a person authorised by or under any law for the time being in force, to practise in such Court, and includes any other person appointed with the permission of the Court to act in such proceeding;
(r) “police report” means a report forwarded by a police officer to a Magistrate under sub-section (2) of section 173;
(s) “police station” means any post or place declared generally or specially by the State Government, to be a police station, and includes any local area specified by the State Government in this behalf;
(t) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Code;
(u) “Public Prosecutor” means any person appointed under section 24, and includes any person acting under the directions of a Public Prosecutor;
(v) “sub-division” means a sub-division of a district;
(w) “summons-case” means a case relating to an offence, and not being a warrant-case;
2[(wa) “victim” means a person who has suffered any loss or injury caused by reason of the act or omission for which the accused person has been charged and the expression “victim” includes his or her guardian or legal heir;]
(x) “warrant-case” means a case relating to an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life or imprisonment for a term exceeding two years;
(y) words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) have the meanings respectively assigned to them in that Code.
1. Ins. by Act 45 of 1978, s. 2 (w.e.f. 18-12-1978).
2. Ins. by Act 5 of 2009, s. 2 (w.e.f. 31-12-2009).
In section 2, for the words “State of Haryana”, the words “Union territory of Chandigarh” shall be substituted.
[Vide Notification No. GSR929(E) dated 16th December, 2019.]
In section 2 of the principal Act, the clauses (a) and (b) shall be re-arranged as follows, namely,–
“(a) to such class or category of the members of the Forces charged with the maintained of public order, or
(b) to such class or category of other public servants (not being persons to whom the provisions of sub-section (1) apply) charged with the maintenance of public order, as may be specified in the notification, wherever they may be serving, and thereupon the provisions of that sub-section shall apply as if for the expression Central Government’ occurring therein, the expression ‘Central Government’ occurring therein, the expression ‘State Government’ were substituted.”.
[Vide Manipur Act 10 of 1983, s. 3]
3. Construction of references.—(1) In this Code,—
(a) any reference, without any qualifying words, to a Magistrate, shall be construed, unless the context otherwise requires,—
(i) in relation to an area outside a metropolitan area, as a reference to a Judicial Magistrate;
(ii) in relation to a metropolitan area, as a reference to a Metropolitan Magistrate;
(b) any reference to a Magistrate of the second class shall, in relation to an area outside a metropolitan area, be construed as a reference to a Judicial Magistrate of the second class, and, in relation to a metropolitan area, as a reference to a Metropolitan Magistrate;
(c) any reference to a Magistrate of the first class shall,—
(i) in relation to a metropolitan area, be construed as a reference to a Metropolitan Magistrate exercising jurisdiction in that area;
(ii) in relation to any other area, be construed as a reference to a Judicial Magistrate of the first class exercising jurisdiction in that area;
(d) any reference to the Chief Judicial Magistrate shall, in relation to a metropolitan area, be construed as a reference to the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate exercising jurisdiction in that area.
(2) In this Code, unless the context otherwise requires, any reference to the Court of a Judicial Magistrate shall, in relation to a metropolitan area, be construed as a reference to the Court of the Metropolitan Magistrate for that area
(3) Unless the context otherwise requires, any reference in any enactment passed before the commencement of this Code,—
(a) to a Magistrate of the first class, shall be construed as a reference to a Judicial Magistrate of the first class;
(b) to a Magistrate of the second class or of the third class, shall be construed as a reference to a Judicial Magistrate of the second class;
(c) to a Presidency Magistrate or Chief Presidency Magistrate, shall be construed as a reference, respectively, to a Metropolitan Magistrate or the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate; (d) to any area which is included in a Metropolitan area, as a reference to such metropolitan area, and any reference to a Magistrate of the first class or of the second class in relation to such area, shall be construed as a reference to the Metropolitan Magistrate exercising jurisdiction in such area.
(4) Where, under any law, other than this Code, the function exercisable by a Magistrate relate to matters,—
(a) which involve the appreciation or sifting of evidence or the formulation of any decision which exposes any person to any punishment or penalty or detention in custody pending investigation, inquiry or trial or would have the effect of sending him for trial before any Court, they shall, subject to the provisions of this Code, be exercisable by a Judicial Magistrate; or
(b) which are administrative or executive in nature, such as, the granting of a licence, the suspension or cancellation of a licence, sanctioning a prosecution or withdrawing from a prosecution, they shall, subject as aforesaid, be exercisable by an Executive Magistrate
Union territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep
Insertion of New section 3A.—In the Code, as it applies to the Union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, after section 3, the following section shall be inserted, namely:—
“3A. Special provision relating to Andaman and Nicobar Islands. —(1) Reference in this Code to—
(a) The Chief Judicial Magistrate shall be construed as references to the District Magistrate or, where the State Government so directs, also to the Additional District Magistrate;
(b) a Magistrate or Magistrate of the first class or of the second class or Judicial Magistrate of the first class or of the second class, shall be construed as references to such Executive Magistrate as the State Government may, be notification in the Official Gazette, specify.
(2) The State Government may, if it is of opinion that adequate number of persons are available for appointment as Judicial Magistrate, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare that the provisions of this section shall, on and from such day as may be specified in the notification, cease to be in force and different dates may be specified for different islands.
(3) On the cesser of operation of the provisions of this section, every inquiry or trial pending, immediately before such cesser, before the District Magistrate or Additional District Magistrate or any Executive Magistrate, as the case may be, shall stand transferred, and shall be dealt with, from the stage which was reached before, such cesser, by such Judicial Magistrate as the State Government may specify in this behalf.”
. [Vide The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Regulation, 1974 Act (1 of 1974), s. 3.]
4. Trial of offences under the Indian Penal Code and other laws.—(1) All offences under the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) shall be investigated, inquired into, tried, and otherwise dealt with according to the provisions hereinafter contained.
(2) All offences under any other law shall be investigated, inquired into, tried, and otherwise dealt with according to the same provisions, but subject to any enactment for the time being in force regulating the manner of place of investigating, inquiring into, trying or otherwise dealing with such offences.
In section 4 of the principal Act, the clauses (a) and (b) shall be re-arranged as follows, namely:– “(a) to such class or category of the members of the Forces charged with the maintenance of public order, or
(b) to such class or category of other public servants of the Forces persons to whom the provisions of sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) apply) charged with the maintenance or public order, as may be specified in the notification, wherever they may be serving, and thereupon the provisions of sub-section (2) shall apply as if for the expression ‘Central Government’ occurring therein, the expression, ‘State Government’ were substituted.”
[Vide Manipur Act 10 of 1983, s. 4]
In relation to trial of the offences specified in clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 4 of this Act, any reference to a Magistrate in Chapters XIX and XX of the Code shall be construed as reference to a Specified Execution Magistrate and the expression “Any Magistrate in the Sixth Column of the First Schedule to the Code shall include Specified Executive Magistrate. [Vide Manipur Act 3 of 1985, s. 4(2) and The Schedule]
5. Saving.—Nothing contained in this Code shall, in the absence of a specific provision to the contrary, affect any special or local law for the time being in force, or any special jurisdiction or power conferred, or any special form of procedure prescribed, by any other law for the time being in force.
In section 5 of the principal Act,-–
(i) in between the figures and commas “396,” and “399,” , the figures and comma “397,” shall be inserted;
(ii) in between the words “or” and “Session”, the words “the Court of” shall be inserted. [Vide Manipur 10 of 1983, s. 5]
(Sec 6 – 25) Chapter II : Constitution of Criminal Courts and Offices
6. Classes of Criminal Courts.—Besides the High Courts and the Courts constituted under any law, other than this Code, there shall be, in every State, the following classes of Criminal Courts, namely:—
(i) Courts of Session;
(ii) Judicial Magistrates of the first class and, in any metropolitan area, Metropolitan Magistrates;
(iii) Judicial Magistrates of the second class; and
(iv) Executive Magistrates
7. Territorial divisions.—(1) Every State shall be a sessions division or shall consist of sessions divisions; and every sessions divisions shall, for the purposes of this Code, be a district or consist of districts:
Provided that every metropolitan area shall, for the said purposes, be a separate sessions division and district.
(2) The State Government may, after consultation with the High Court, alter the limits or the number of such divisions and districts.
(3) The State Government may, after consultation with the High Court, divide any district into subdivisions and may alter the limits or the number of such sub-divisions.
(4) The sessions divisions, districts and sub-divisions existing in a State at the commencement of this Code, shall be deemed to have been formed under this section.
8. Metropolitan areas.—(1) The State Government may, by notification, declare that, as from such date as may be specified in the notification, any area in the State comprising a city or town whose population exceeds one million shall be a metropolitan area for the purposes of this Code.
(2) As from the commencement of this Code, each of the Presidency-towns of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras and the city of Ahmedabad shall be deemed to be declared under sub-section (1) to be a metropolitan area.
(3) The State Government may, by notification, extend, reduce or alter the limits of a metropolitan area but the reduction or alteration shall not be so made as to reduce the population of such area to less than one million.
(4) Where, after an area has been declared, or deemed to have been declared to be, a metropolitan area, the population of such area falls below one million, such area shall, on and from such date as the State Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf, cease to be a metropolitan area; but notwithstanding such cesser, any inquiry, trial or appeal pending immediately before such cesser before any Court or Magistrate in such area shall continue to be dealt with under this Code, as if such cesser had not taken place.
(5) Where the State Government reduces or alters, under sub-section (3), the limits of any metropolitan area, such reduction or alteration shall not affect any inquiry, trial or appeal pending immediately before such reduction or alteration before any Court or Magistrate, and every such inquiry, trial or appeal shall continue to be dealt with under this Code as if such reduction or alteration had not taken place.
Explanation.—In this section, the expression “population” means the population as ascertained at the last preceding census of which the relevant figures have been published
In its application to the National Capital Territory of Delhi, in section 8,—
(a) in sub-section (1), for the words “a city or town”, substitute “a city or town or part thereof”;
(b) for sub-section (3), substitute the following sub-section, namely:—
“(3) The State Government may, by notification divide a metropolitan area into two or more such areas or extend or reduce or alter the limits of a metropolitan area:
Provided that—
(a) the division of metropolitan area shall not be so made as to result in the population of any of the areas into which it has been divided being less than one million; and
(b) the reduction or alteration of metropolitan area shall not be so made as to reduce the population of such area to less than one million.”;
(c) after sub-section (4), insert the following sub-section, namely: —
“(4-A) Where any metropolitan area is divided under sub-section (3), the High Court may issue such directions as it deems fit with respect to the disposal of the proceedings pendings immediately before such division before any Magistrate or court having jurisdiction in respect of such area.”
[Vide Delhi Act 9 of 2011, s. 2.]
9. Court of Session.—(1) The State Government shall establish a Court of Session for every sessions division.
(2) Every Court of Session shall be presided over by a Judge, to be appointed by the High Court.
(3) The High Court may also appoint Additional Sessions Judges and Assistant Session Judges to exercise jurisdiction in a Court of Session.
(4) The Sessions Judge of one sessions division may be appointed by the High Court to be also an Additional Sessions Judge of another division, and in such case he may sit for the disposal of cases at such place or places in the other division as the High Court may direct.
(5) Where the office of the Sessions Judge is vacant, the High Court may make arrangements for the disposal of any urgent application which is, or may be, made or pending before such Court of Session by an Additional or Assistant Sessions Judge, or, if there be no Additional or Assistant Sessions Judge, by a Chief Judicial Magistrate, in the sessions division; and every such Judge or Magistrate shall have jurisdiction to deal with any such application.
(6) The Court of Session shall ordinarily hold its sitting at such place or places as the High Court may, by notification, specify; but, if, in any particular case, the Court of Session is of opinion that it will tend to the general convenience of the parties and witnesses to hold its sittings at any other place in the sessions division, it may, with the consent of the prosecution and the accused, sit at that place for the disposal of the case or the examination of any witness or witnesses therein.
Explanation.—For the purposes of this Code, “appointment” does not include the first appointment, posting or promotion of a person by the Government to any Service, or post in connection with the affairs of the Union or of a State, where under any law, such appointment, posting or promotion is required to be made by Government.
West Bengal.—
To sub-section (3) of section 9 of the principal Act, the following provisos shall be added:—
Provided that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Code, an Additional Sessions Judge in a sub-division, other than the sub-division, by whatever name called, wherein the headquarters of the Sessions Judges are situated, exercising jurisdiction in a Court of Session, shall have all the powers of the Sessions Judge under this Code, in respect of the cases and proceedings in the Criminal Courts in that sub-division, for the purposes of sub-section (7) of session 116, sections 193 and 194, clause (a) of section 209 and sections 409, 439 and 449:
Provided further that the above powers shall not be in derogation of the powers otherwise exercisable by an Additional Sessions Judge or a Sessions Judge under this Code.”. [Vide West Bengal Act, 24 of 1988, s. 3.]
Amendment of section 9.-In Section 9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), to sub-section (3), the following provisions shall be added, namely:—
“Provided that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Code, an Additional Sessions Judge in a district or subdivision, other than the district or subdivision, by whatever name called, wherein the headquarters of the Sessions Judge are situated, exercising jurisdiction in a Court of Sessions shall have all the powers of the Sessions Judge under this Code, in respect of the cases and the proceedings in the Criminal Courts in that district or subdivision for the purposes of sub-section (7) of section 116, sections 193 and 194, clause (a) of section 209 and sections 409 and 449:
Provided further that the above powers shall be not be in derogation of the powers otherwise exercisable by an Additional Sessions Judge or a Sessions Judge under this Code.” [Vide Orissa Act 6 of 2004, s. 2]
10. Subordination of Assistant Sessions Judges.—(1) All Assistant Sessions Judges shall be subordinate to the Sessions Judge in whose Court they exercise jurisdiction.
(2) The Sessions Judge may, from time to time, make rules consistent with this Code, as to the distribution of business among such Assistant Sessions Judges.
(3) The Sessions Judge may also make provision for the disposal of any urgent application, in the event of his absence or inability to act, by an Additional or Assistant Sessions Judge, or, if there be no Additional or Assistant Sessions Judge, by the Chief Judicial Magistrate, and every such Judge or Magistrate shall be deemed to have jurisdiction to deal with any such application.
11. Courts of Judicial Magistrates.—(1) In every district (not being a metropolitan area) there shall be established as many Courts of Judicial Magistrates of the first class and of the second class, and at such places, as the State Government may, after consultation with the High Court, by notification, specify:
1[Provided that the State Government may, after consultation with the High Court, establish, for any local area, one or more Special Courts of Judicial Magistrates of the first class or of the second class to try any particular case or particular class of cases, and where any such Special Court is established, no other Court of Magistrate in the local area shall have jurisdiction to try any case or class of cases for the trial of which such Special Court of Judicial Magistrate has been established.]
(2) The presiding officers of such Courts shall be appointed by the High Court.
(3) The High Court may, whenever it appears to it to be expedient or necessary, confer the powers of a Judicial Magistrate of the first class or of the second class on any member of the Judicial Service of the State, functioning as a Judge in a Civil Court.
1. Added by Act 45 of 1978, s. 3 (w.e.f. 18-12-1978).
Union territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep
In the Code, as it applies to the Union Territories to which this regulation extends, in sub-section (3) of section 11, for the words “any member of the judicial service of the state functioning as a judge in a civil court”, the words “any person discharging the functions of a civil court”,
shall be substituted. [Vide The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Regulation, 1974
Act (1 of 1974), s. 4.]
12. Chief Judicial Magistrate and Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, etc.—(1) In every district (not being a metropolitan area), the High Court shall appoint a Judicial Magistrate of the first class to be the Chief Judicial Magistrate.
(2) The High Court may appoint any Judicial Magistrate of the first class to be an Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, and such Magistrate shall have all or any of the powers of a Chief Judicial Magistrate under this Code or under any other law for the time being in force as the High Court may direct.
(3) (a) The High Court may designate any Judicial Magistrate of the first class in any sub-division as the Subdivisional Judicial Magistrate and relieve him of the responsibilities specified in this section as occasion requires.
(b) Subject to the general control of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, every Sub-divisional Judicial Magistrate shall also have and exercise, such powers of supervision and control over the work of the Judicial Magistrates (other than Additional Chief Judicial Magistrates) in the sub-division as the High Court may, by general or special order, specify in this behalf.
13. Special Judicial Magistrates.—(1) The High Court may, if requested by the Central or State Government so to do, confer upon any person who holds or has held any post under the Government, all or any of the powers conferred or conferrable by or under this Code on a Judicial Magistrate 1[of the first class or of the second class, in respect to particular cases or to particular classes of cases, in any local area, not being a metropolitan area:] Provided that no such power shall be conferred on a person unless he possesses such qualification or experience in relation to legal affairs as the High Court may, by rules, specify.
(2) Such Magistrates shall be called Special Judicial Magistrates and shall be appointed for such term, not exceeding one year at a time, as the High Court may, by general or special order, direct.
2[(3) The High Court may empower a Special Judicial Magistrate to exercise the powers of a Metropolitan Magistrate in relation to any metropolitan area outside his local jurisdiction.]
1. Subs. Act 45 of 1978, s. 4, for certain words (w.e.f. 18-12-1978).
2. Ins. by s. 4, ibid. (w.e.f. 18-12-1978).
Assam For section 13 of the Code, the following shall be substituted, namely:—
“13. (1) The State Government may appoint as may persons as it thinks fit to be sub divisional Magistrates in any district in the State of Assam.
(2) The State Government, or subject to the control of the State Government, the District Magistrate may place one or more Sub divisional Magistrates in charge of a subdivision”. [Vide Assam Act 13 of 1964, s. 2.]
Himachal Pradesh
Amendment of Section 13.— in Sub-section (1) of section 13 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) in its application to the State of Himachal Pradesh for the words “in any district” the words “in any local area” shall be substituted.
[Vide Himachal Pradesh Act 40 of 1976, s. 2.]
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
Amendment of section 13, Act (2 of 1974).-In the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Act) in section 13, in sub-section (2) for the words “not exceeding one year at a time” the words “not exceeding two years at a time” shall be substituted and to the said sub-section the following proviso, shall be added, namely:- “Provided that any person who is holding the office of Special Judicial Magistrate at the commencement of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Andhra Pradesh Amendment) Act, 1992 and has not completed sixty five years of age shall continue to hold office for a term of two years from the date of his appointment”.
[Vide Andhra Pradesh Act 2 of 1992, s. 2]
14. Local jurisdiction of Judicial Magistrates.—(1) Subject to the control of the High Court, the Chief Judicial Magistrate may, from time to time, define the local limits of the areas within which the Magistrates appointed under section 11 or under section 13 may exercise all or any of the powers with which they may respectively be invested under this Code:
1[Provided that the Court of Special Judicial Magistrate may hold its sitting at any place within the local area for which it is established.]
(2) Except as otherwise provided by such definition, the jurisdiction and powers of every such Magistrate shall extend throughout the district.
2[(3) Where the local jurisdiction of a Magistrate, appointed under section 11 or section 13 or section 18, extends to an area beyond the district, or the metropolitan area, as the case may be, in which he ordinarily holds Court, any reference in this Code to the Court of Session, Chief Judicial Magistrate or the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate shall, in relation to such Magistrate, throughout the area within his local jurisdiction, be construed, unless the context otherwise requires, as a reference to the Court of Session, Chief Judicial Magistrate, or Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, as the case may be, exercising jurisdiction in relation to the said district or metropolitan area.]
1. Added by Act 45 of 1978, s. 5, (w.e.f. 18-12-1978).
2. Ins. by s. 5, Act 45 of 1978,. (w.e.f. 18-12-1978).
Maharashtra Insertion of section 14A in Act 2 of 1974.—after section 14 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), in its application to the State of Maharashtra (hereinafter referred to as “the said Code”), the following section shall be inserted, namely:-
14A. Investing Judicial Magistrates with jurisdiction in specified cases or local area.—The High Court may invest any Judicial Magistrate with all or any of the powers conferred or conferrable by or under this Code upon a Judicial Magistrate in respect to particular cases or to a particular class or classes of cases or in regard to cases generally in any local area consisting of all or any of the districts specified by it in this behalf.
[Vide Maharashtra Act 23 of 1976, s. 2]
15. Subordination of Judicial Magistrates.—(1) Every Chief Judicial Magistrate shall be subordinate to the Sessions Judge; and every other Judicial Magistrate shall, subject to the general control of the Sessions Judge, be subordinate to the Chief Judicial Magistrate.
(2) The Chief Judicial Magistrate may, from time to time, make rules or give special orders, consistent with this Code, as to the distribution of business among the Judicial Magistrates subordinate to him
16. Courts of Metropolitan Magistrates.—(1) In every metropolitan area, there shall be established as many Courts of Metropolitan Magistrates, and at such places, as the State Government may, after consultation with the High Court, by notification, specify.
(2) The presiding officers of such Courts shall be appointed by the High Court.
(3) The jurisdiction and powers of every Metropolitan Magistrate shall extend throughout the metropolitan area
17. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate and Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate.—(1) The High Court shall, in relation to every metropolitan area within its local jurisdiction, appoint a Metropolitan Magistrate to be the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate for such metropolitan area.
(2) The High Court may appoint any Metropolitan Magistrate to be an Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, and such Magistrate shall have all or any of the powers of a Chief Metropolitan Magistrate under this Code or under any other law for the time being in force as the High Court may direct.
18. Special Metropolitan Magistrates.—(1) The High Court may, if requested by the Central or State Government so to do, confer upon any person who holds or has held any post under the Government, all or any of the powers conferred or conferrable by or under this Code on a Metropolitan Magistrate, in respect to particular cases or to particular classes of cases 1[**], in any metropolitan area within its local jurisdiction: Provided that no such power shall be conferred on a person unless he possesses such qualification or experience in relation to legal affairs as the High Court may, by rules, specify.
(2) Such Magistrates shall be called Special Metropolitan Magistrates and shall be appointed for such term, not exceeding one year at a time, as the High Court may, by general or special order, direct.
2[(3) The High Court or the State Government, as the case may be, may empower any Special Metropolitan Magistrate to exercise, in any local area outside the metropolitan area, the powers of a Judicial Magistrate of the first class.]
1. The words “or to cases generally” omitted by s. 6, ibid., (w.e.f. 18-12-1978).
2. Subs. by Act 45 of 1978, s. 6, for sub-section (3) (w.e.f. 18-12-1978).
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
Amendment of section 18.- In section 18 of the Principal Act, in sub-section (2) for the words “not exceeding one year at a time,” the words “not exceeding two year at a time,” the words “not exceeding two years at a time” shall be substituted and to the said sub-section the following proviso shall be added, namely:-
“Provided that a person who is holding the office of Special Metropolitan Magistrate at the commencement of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Andhra Pradesh Amendment) Act, 1992, and has not completed sixty five years of age shall continue to hold office for a term of two years from the date of his appointment”.
[Vide the Andhra Pradesh Act 2 of 1992, s. 3
Amendment of section 18 of Act 2 of 1974.—In section 18 of the said Code, in sub-section (1), for the words “in any metropolitan area” the words “in one or more metropolitan areas” shall be substituted.
[Vide Maharashtra Act 23 of 1976, s. 3
19. Subordination of Metropolitan Magistrates.—(1) The Chief Metropolitan Magistrate and every Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate shall be subordinate to the Sessions Judge; and every other Metropolitan Magistrate shall, subject to the general control of the Sessions Judge, be subordinate to the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate.
(2) The High Court may, for the purposes of this Code, define the extent of the subordination, if any, of the Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrates to the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate.
(3) The Chief Metropolitan Magistrate may, from time to time, make rules or give special orders, consistent with this Code, as to the distribution of business among the Metropolitan Magistrates and as to the allocation of business to an Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate
20. Executive Magistrates.—(1) In every district and in every metropolitan area, the State Government may appoint as many persons as it thinks fit to be Executive Magistrates and shall appoint one of them to be the District Magistrate.
(2) The State Government may appoint any Executive Magistrate to be an Additional District Magistrate, and such Magistrate shall have 1[such] of the powers of a District Magistrate under this Code or under any other law for the time being in force 2[as may be directed by the State Government].
(3) Whenever, in consequence of the office of a District Magistrate becoming vacant, any officer succeeds temporarily to the executive administration of the district, such officer shall, pending the orders of the State Government, exercise all the powers and perform all the duties respectively conferred and imposed by this Code on the District Magistrate.
(4) The State Government may place an Executive Magistrate in charge of a sub-division and may relieve him of the charge as occasion requires; and the Magistrate so placed in charge of a sub-division shall be called the Sub-divisional Magistrate.
3[(4A) The State Government may, by general or special order and subject to such control and directions as it may deem fit to impose, delegate its powers under sub-section (4) to the District Magistrate.]
(5) Nothing in this section shall preclude the State Government from conferring, under any law for the time being in force, on a Commissioner of Police, all or any of the powers of an Executive Magistrate in relation to a metropolitan area.
1. Subs. by Act 45 of 1978, s. 7, for “all or any” (w.e.f. 18-12-1978).
2. Ins. by s. 7, ibid, (w.e.f. 18-12-1978).
3. Ins. by Act 25 of 2005, s. 2 (w.e.f. 23-6-2006)
21. Special Executive Magistrates.—The State Government may appoint, for such term as it may think fit, Executive Magistrates, to be known as Special Executive Magistrates, for particular areas or for the performance of particular functions and confer on such Special Executive Magistrates such of the powers as are conferrable under this Code on Executive Magistrates, as it may deem fit.
22. Local Jurisdiction of Executive Magistrates.—(1) Subject to the control of the State Government, the District Magistrate may, from time to time, define the local limits of the areas within which the Executive Magistrates may exercise all or any of the powers with which they may be invested under this Code.
(2) Except as otherwise provided by such definition, the jurisdiction and powers of every such Magistrate shall extend throughout the district.
23. Subordination of Executive Magistrates.—(1) All Executive Magistrates, other than the Additional District Magistrate, shall be subordinate to the District Magistrate, and every Executive Magistrate (other than the Sub-divisional Magistrate) exercising powers in a sub-division shall also be subordinate to the Sub-divisional Magistrate, subject, however, to the general control of the District Magistrate.
(2) The District Magistrate may, from time to time, make rules or give special orders, consistent with this Code, as to the distribution of business among the Executive Magistrates subordinate to him and as to the allocation of business to an Additional District Magistrate
1[24. Public Prosecutors.—(1) For every High Court, the Central Government or the State Government shall, after consultation with the High Court, appoint a Public Prosecutor and may also appoint one or more Additional Public Prosecutors, for conducting in such Court, any prosecution, appeal or other proceeding on behalf of the Central Government or State Government, as the case may be.
(2) The Central Government may appoint one or more Public Prosecutors for the purpose of conducting any case or class of cases in any district or local area.
(3) For every district, the State Government shall appoint a Public Prosecutor and may also appoint one or more Additional Public Prosecutors for the district: Provided that the Public Prosecutor or Additional Public Prosecutor appointed for one district may be appointed also to be a Public Prosecutor or an Additional Public Prosecutor, as the case may be, for another district.
(4) The District Magistrate shall, in consultation with the Sessions Judge, prepare a panel of names of persons, who are, in his opinion fit to be appointed as Public Prosecutors or Additional Public Prosecutors for the district.
(5) No person shall be appointed by the State Government as the Public Prosecutor or Additional Public Prosecutor for the district unless his name appears in the panel of names prepared by the District Magistrate under sub-section (4).
(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (5), where in a State there exists a regular Cadre of Prosecuting Officers, the State Government shall appoint a Public Prosecutor or an Additional Public Prosecutor only from among the persons constituting such Cadre:
Provided that where, in the opinion of the State Government, no suitable person is available in such Cadre for such appointment that Government may appoint a person as Public Prosecutor or Additional Public Prosecutor, as the case may be, from the panel of names prepared by the District Magistrate under sub-section (4).
2[Explanation.—For the purposes of this sub-section,— (a) “regular Cadre of Prosecuting Officers” means a Cadre of Prosecuting Officers which includes therein the post of a Public Prosecutor, by whatever name called, and which provides for promotion of Assistant Public Prosecutors, by whatever name called, to that post;
(b) “Prosecuting Officer” means a person, by whatever name called, appointed to perform the functions of a Public Prosecutor, an Additional Public Prosecutor or an Assistant Public Prosecutor under this Code.]
(7) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as a Public Prosecutor or an Additional Public Prosecutor under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) or sub-section (3) or sub-section (6), only if he has been in practice as an advocate for not less than seven years.
(8) The Central Government or the State Government may appoint, for the purposes of any case or class of cases, a person who has been in practice as an advocate for not less than ten years as a Special Public Prosecutor:
3[Provided that the Court may permit the victim to engage an advocate of his choice to assist the prosecution under this sub-section.]
(9) For the purposes of sub-section (7) and sub-section (8), the period during which a person has been in practice as a pleader, or has rendered (whether before or after the commencement of this Code) service as a Public Prosecutor or as an Additional Public Prosecutor or Assistant Public Prosecutor or other Prosecuting Officer, by whatever name called, shall be deemed to be the period during which such person has been in practice as an advocate.]
1. Subs. by Act 45 of 1978, s. 8, for section 24 (w.e.f. 18-12
2. Ins. by Act 25 of 2005, s. 3 (w.e.f. 23-6-2006).
3. Ins. by Act 5 of 2009, s. 3 (w.e.f. 31-12-2009).
Amendment of section 24.- In section 24 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974) (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act) in sub-section (1),—
(i) the words and punctuation mark “or the State Government shall”, shall be omitted; and (ii) for the words “appoint a Public Prosecutor” the words “or the State Government shall appoint a Public Prosecutor” shall be substituted.
[Vide Karnataka Act 20 of 1982, s. 2.]
Amendment of section 24.– In Section 24 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, (2 of 1974) in its application to the State of Maharashtra:—
(a) in sub-section (6), the proviso shall be deleted;
(b) after sub-section (6), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:—
Amendment of Section 24 of Act II of 1974.—In section 24 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), in its application to the State of Maharashtra,—
(a) in sub-section (1), the words “, after consultation with the High Court,” shall be deleted;
(b) in sub-section (4), for the words “in consultation with the Sessions Judge,” the words “with the approval of the State Government,” shall be substituted.
[Vide Maharashtra Act 34 of 1981, s. 2]
Madhya Pradesh
Amendment of Section 24.—In Section 24 of the principal Act.—
(i) in sub-section (6), for the words, “brackets and figure “Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (5)”, the words, brackets, letter and figures “Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (5), but subject to the provisions of sub-section (6-A)” shall be substituted and shall be deemed to have been substituted with effect from 18th December, 1978;
(ii) after sub-section (6), the following sub-section shall be inserted and shall be deemed to have been inserted with effect from 18th December, 1978, namely:—
“(6-A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (6), the State Government may appoint a person who has been in practice as an advocate for not less than seven years as the Public Prosecutor or Additional Public Prosecutor for the district and it shall not be necessary to appoint the Public Prosecutor or Additional Public Prosecutor for the district from among the person constituting the Cadre of Prosecuting Officers in the State of Madhya Pradesh and the provisions of sub-sections (4) and (5) shall apply to the appointment of a Public Prosecutor Additional Public Prosecutor under this sub-section”;
(i) in sub-section (7), after the words, bracket and figure “sub-section (6)”, the words, brackets, figure and letter “or sub-section (6-A)” shall be inserted and shall be deemed to have been inserted with effect from 18th December, 1978; and
(ii) in sub-section (9), for the words, brackets and figure, “sub-section (7)”, the words, brackets, figures and letter “sub-section (6-A) and sub-section (7)” shall be substituted and shall be deemed to have been substituted with effect from 18th December, 1978.
[Vide Madhya Pradesh Act 21 of 1995, s. 3
West Bengal
In Sub-section (6) of section 24 of the principal Act, for the words “shall appoint a Public Prosecutor or an Additional Public Prosecutor only”, the words “may also appoint a Public Prosecutor or an Additional Public Prosecutor” shall be substituted.
[Vide West Bengal Act 26 of 1990, s. 3.]
West Bengal
In sub-section (6) of section 24 of the principal Act, the proviso shall be omitted.
[Vide West Bengal Act 25 of 1992, s. 3.
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh (UTs).— Section 24.— After sub-section (6), insert the following sub-section, namely:— “(6A).–Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) and sub-section (6), the Government of the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir may appoint a person who has been in practice as an Advocate for not less than seven years as Public Prosecutor or Additional Public Prosecutor for High Court and for the District Courts and it shall not be necessary to appoint Public Prosecutor or Additional Public Prosecutor for the High Court in consultation with High Court and Public Prosecutor or Additional Public Prosecutor for the District Court from amongst the person constituting the cadre of Prosecution for the State of Jammu and Kashmir.”
[vide the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization (Adaptation of Central Laws) Order, 2020, vide notification No. S.O. 1123(E) dated (18-3-2020) and vide Union Territory of Ladakh Reorganisation (Adaptation of Central Laws) Order, 2020, notification No. S.O.3774(E), dated (23-10-2020).]
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh (UTs). —
Section 24.-In sub-section (7), for “sub-section (6)”, substitute “sub-section (6) or sub-section (6A)”
[Vide Order No. 3807(E) dated 26th October, 2020, the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Adaptation of Central Laws) Third Order, 2020 (w.e.f. 26-10-2020).]
25. Assistant Public prosecutors.—(1) The State Government shall appoint in every district one or more Assistant Public Prosecutors for conducting prosecutions in the Courts of Magistrates.
1[(1A) The Central Government may appoint one or more Assistant Public Prosecutors for the purpose of conducting any case or class of cases in the Courts of Magistrates.]
(2) Save as otherwise provided in sub-section (3), no police officer shall be eligible to be appointed as an Assistant Public Prosecutor.
(3) Where no Assistant Public Prosecutor is available for the purposes of any particular case, the District Magistrate may appoint any other person to be the Assistant Public Prosecutor in charge of that case:
Provided that a police officer shall not be so appointed—
(a) if he has taken any part in the investigation into the offence with respect to which the accused is being prosecuted; or
(b) if he is below the rank of Inspector.
1. Ins. by Act 45 of 1978, s. 9 (w.e.f. 18-12-1978).
Amendment of section 25.—In section 25 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) (hereinafter referred to as the said Code), to sub-section (2), the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:—
“Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall be construed, to prohibit the State Government from exercising its control over Assistant Public Prosecutors through police officers.”
1[25A. Directorate of Prosecution.—(1) The State Government may establish a Directorate of Prosecution consisting of a Director of Prosecution and as many Deputy Directors of Prosecution as it thinks fit.
(2) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as a Director of Prosecution or a Deputy Director of Prosecution, only if he has been in practice as an advocate for not less than ten years and such appointment shall be made with the concurrence of the Chief Justice of the High Court.
(3) The Head of the Directorate of Prosecution shall be the Director of Prosecution, who shall function under the administrative control of the Head of the Home Department in the State.
(4) Every Deputy Director of Prosecution shall be subordinate to the Director of Prosecution.
(5) Every Public Prosecutor, Additional Public Prosecutor and Special Public Prosecutor appointed by the State Government under sub-section (1), or as the case may be, sub-section (8), of section 24 to conduct cases in the High Court shall be subordinate to the Director of Prosecution.
(6) Every Public Prosecutor, Additional Public Prosecutor and Special Public Prosecutor appointed by the State Government under sub-section (3), or as the case may be, sub-section (8), of section 24 to conduct cases in District Courts and every Assistant Public Prosecutor appointed under sub-section (1) of section 25 shall be subordinate to the Deputy Director of Prosecution.
(7) The powers and functions of the Director of Prosecution and the Deputy Directors of Prosecution and the areas for which each of the Deputy Directors of Prosecution have been appointed shall be such as the State Government may, by notification, specify.
(8) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the Advocate General for the State while performing the functions of a Public Prosecutor.]
1. Ins. by Act 25 of 2005, s. 4 (w.e.f. 23-6-2006).
In section 25A of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act No. 2 of 1974), — (a) for sub-section (2), the following shall be substituted, namely:—“(2) The post of Director of prosecution and Government litigations, or a Deputy Director of Prosecution and other cadres shall be filled in accordance with the Cadre and Recruitment Rules framed under the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990).”
(b) for sub-section (5), the following shall be substituted, namely:—“(5) Every Public Prosecutor, Additional Public Prosecutor appointed by the State Government from the cadre of Prosecutors recruited under the recruitment rules framed by the Government under the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 shall be subordinate to the Director of Prosecution and Government litigations and every Public Prosecutor, Additional Prosecutor and Special Prosecutor appointed under sub-section (8) of section 24 shall be subordinate to the Advocate General.”
(c) in sub-section (6), for the words “Deputy Director of Prosecution, the words “Director of Prosecution” shall be substituted.
[Vide Karnataka Act 39 of 2012, s. 2]
Madhya Pradesh
Substitution of Section 25A.—For section 25A of the principal Act, the following section shall be substituted, namely: —
“25A. Directorate of Prosecution.—(1) The State Government may establish a Directorate of Prosecution consisting of a Director of Prosecution and as many Additional Directors of Prosecution, Joint Directors of Prosecution, Deputy Directors of Prosecution and Assistant Directors of Prosecution and such other posts as it thinks fit.
(2) The post of Director of Prosecution, Additional Directors of Prosecution, Joint Directors of Prosecution, Deputy Directors of Prosecution and Assistant Directors of Prosecution and other post shall be filled in accordance with the Madhya Pradesh Public Prosecution (Gazetted) Service Recruitment Rules, 1991, as amended from time to time.
(3) The head of the Directorate of Prosecution shall be the Director of Prosecution, who shall function under the administrative control of the head of the Home Department in the State.
(4) Every Additional Director of Prosecution, Joint Director of Prosecution, Deputy Director of Prosecution and Assistant Director of Prosecution and other posts specified in sub-section (2) shall be subordinate to the Director of Prosecution.
(5) Every Public Prosecutor and Additional Public Prosecutor appointed under the Madhya Pradesh Public Prosecution (Gazetted) Service Recruitment Rules, 1991, shall be subordinate to the Director of Prosecution and every Public Prosecutor and Additional Public Prosecutor appointed under sub-section (1) of Section 24 and every Special Public Prosecutor appointed under sub-section (8) of Section 24 to conduct cases in the High Court shall be subordinate to the Advocate General.
(6) Every Public Prosecutor and Additional Public Prosecutor appointed under sub-section (3) of Section 24 and every Special Public Prosecutor appointed under sub-section (8) of Section 24 to conduct cases in District Courts shall be subordinate to the District Magistrate.
(7) The powers and functions of the Director of Prosecution shall be such as the State Government may, by notification, specify.”.
[Vide Madhya Pradesh Act 18 of 2014, s. 3.]
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh (UTs).—
Section 25A.-(i) for sub-sections (1) and (2), substitute–
(1) The Government of the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir shall establish a Directorate of Prosecution consisting of a Director General of Prosecution and such other officers, as may be provided in rules to be framed by the said Government; and
(2) The Post of Director General of Prosecution and all other officers, constituting the prosecution cadre, shall be filled in accordance with the rules to be framed by the said Government.
(ii) in sub-section (3), substitute “Director of Prosecution” with “Director General of Prosecution”;
(iii) for sub-section (4), substitute “(4) subject to the control of the Director General of Prosecution, the Deputy Director shall be subordinate to and under the Control of a Joint Director.”
(iv) substitute sub-section (5),–“Every Public Prosecutor, Additional Public Prosecutor and Special Public Prosecutor appointed by the Government of the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir under subsection (1), or the case may be under sub-section (8) of section 24 to conduct cases in the High Court shall be subordinate to the Advocate General.”;
(v) for sub-section (7), substitute– “
(7) The powers and functions of the Director General of Prosecution and other officers of the prosecution cadre shall be such as may be provided by the rules”.
(vi) omit sub-section (8)
[vide the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization (Adaptation of Central Laws) Order, 2020, vide notification No. S.O. 1123(E) dated (18-3-2020) and vide Union Territory of Ladakh Reorganisation (Adaptation of Central Laws) Order, 2020, notification No. S.O.3774(E), dated (23-10-2020).]
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh (UTs).—
Section 25A.-In sub-section (4), for “Joint Director”, substitute “Director Prosecution”.
[Vide Order No. 3807(E) dated 26th October, 2020, the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Adaptation of Central Laws) Third Order, 2020 (w.e.f. 26-10-2020).]
(Sec 26- 35) Chapter III : Power of Courts
26. Courts by which offences are triable.—Subject to the other provisions of this Code,—
(a) any offence under the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) may be tried by−
(i) the High Court, or
(ii) the Court of Session, or
(iii) any other Court by which such offence is shown in the First Schedule to be triable:
1[Provided that any 2 [offence under section 376, 3 [section 376A, section 376AB, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D, section 376DA, 376DB] or section 376E of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860)] shall be tried as far as practicable by a Court presided over by a woman.]
(b) any offence under any other law shall, when any Court is mentioned in this behalf in such law, be tried by such Court and when no Court is so mentioned, may be tried by—
(i) the High Court, or
(ii) any other Court by which such offence is shown in the First Schedule to be triable.
1. Ins. by Act 5 of 2009, s. 4 (w.e.f. 31-12-2009).
2. Subs. by Act 13 of 2013, s. 11, for “offence under section 376 and sections 376A to 376D of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860)” (w.e.f. 3-2-2013).
3. Subs. by Act 22 of 2019, s. 10, for “section 376A, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D” (w.e.f. 21-4-2018).
Arunachal Pradesh
Amendment of section 26.—In the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (hereafter referred to as the principal Act), in section 26, in the proviso to clause (a), for the words figures and letters “offence under section 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D or section 376E of the Indian Penal Code” the words, figures and letters “offence under section 376, section 376A, section 376AA, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D, 376DA of section 376E of the Indian Penal Code” shall be substituted.
[Vide Arunachal Pradesh Act 3 of 2019, s. 11]
27. Jurisdiction in the case of juveniles.—Any offence not punishable with death or imprisonment for life, committed by any person who at the date when he appears or is brought before the Court is under the age of sixteen years, may be tried by the Court of a Chief Judicial Magistrate, or by any Court specially empowered under the Children Act, 1960 (60 of 1960), or any other law for the time being in force providing for the treatment, training and rehabilitation of youthful offenders.
28. Sentences which High Courts and Sessions Judges may pass.—(1) A High Court may pass any sentence authorised by law.
(2) A Sessions Judge or Additional Sessions Judge may pass any sentence authorised by law; but any sentence of death passed by any such Judge shall be subject to confirmation by the High Court.
(3) An Assistant Sessions Judge may pass any sentence authorised by law except a sentence of death or of imprisonment for life or of imprisonment for a term exceeding ten years.
29. Sentences which Magistrates may pass.—(1) The Court of a Chief Judicial Magistrate may pass any sentence authorised by law except a sentence of death or of imprisonment for life or of imprisonment for a term exceeding seven years.
(2) The Court of a Magistrate of the first class may pass a sentence of imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or of fine not exceeding 1 [ten thousand rupees], or of both.
(3) The Court of Magistrate of the second class may pass a sentence of imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or of fine not exceeding 2 [five thousand rupees], or of both.
(4) The Court of a Chief Metropolitan Magistrate shall have the powers of the Court of a Chief Judicial Magistrate and that of a Metropolitan Magistrate, the powers of the Court of a Magistrate of the first class.
In section 29 of the Code, after sub-section (2), the following sub-section shall be added, namely”— “(2A) The Court of a Specified Executive Magistrate may pass a sentence of imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or of fine not exceeding two thousand rupees, or of both.”.
[Vide Manipur Act 3 of 1985, s. 4(2) and the Schedule]
Amendment of section 29 of Act 2 of 1974.—In section 29 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), in its application to the State of Maharashtra,—
(a) in sub-section (2), for the words “ten thousand rupees” the words “fifty thousand rupees” shall be substituted;
(b) in sub-section (3), for the words “five thousand rupees” the words “ten thousand rupees” shall be substituted.
[Vide Maharashtra Act 27 of 2007, s. 2]
Arunachal Pradesh
Amendment of section 29.—In section 29 of the principal Act (i) in sub-section (2), for the words “ten thousand rupees” the words “one lakh rupees” shall be substituted.
(i) in sub-section (3), for the words “five thousand rupees”, the words twenty five thousand rupees shall be substituted.
[Vide Arunachal Pradesh Act 3 of 2019, s. 12]
30. Sentence of imprisonment in default of fine.—(1) The Court of a Magistrate may award such term of imprisonment in default of payment of fine as is authorised by law: Provided that the term—
(a) is not in excess of the powers of the Magistrate under section 29;
(b) shall not, where imprisonment has been awarded as part of the substantive sentence, exceed one-fourth of the term of imprisonment which the Magistrate is competent to inflict as punishment for the offence otherwise than as imprisonment in default of payment of the fine.
(2) The imprisonment awarded under this section may be in addition to a substantive sentence of imprisonment for the maximum term awardable by the Magistrate under section 29.
31. Sentence in cases of conviction of several offences at one trial.—(1) When a person is convicted at one trial of two or more offences, the Court may, subject to the provisions of section 71 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), sentence him for such offences, to the several punishments prescribed therefor which such Court is competent to inflict; such punishments when consisting of imprisonment to commence the one after the expiration of the other in such order as the Court may direct, unless the Court directs that such punishments shall run concurrently.
(2) In the case of consecutive sentences, it shall not be necessary for the Court by reason only of the aggregate punishment for the several offences being in excess of the punishment which it is competent to inflict on conviction of a single offence, to send the offender for trial before a higher Court: Provided that—
(a) in no case shall such person be sentenced to imprisonment for a longer period than fourteen years;
(b) the aggregate punishment shall not exceed twice the amount of punishment which the Court is competent to inflict for a single offence.
(3) For the purpose of appeal by a convicted person, the aggregate of the consecutive sentences passed against him under this section shall be deemed to be a single sentence.
32. Mode of conferring powers.—(1) In conferring powers under this Code, the High Court or the State Government, as the case may be, may, by order, empower persons specially by name or in virtue of their offices or classes of officials generally be their official titles.
(2) Every such order shall take effect from the date on which it is communicated to the person so empowered.
33. Powers of officers appointed.—Whenever any person holding an office in the service of Government who has been invested by the High Court or the State Government with any powers under this Code throughout any local area is appointed to an equal or higher office of the same nature, within a like local area under the same State Government, he shall, unless the High Court or the State Government, as the case may be, otherwise directs, or has otherwise directed, exercise the same powers in the local area in which he is so appointed.
34. Withdrawal of powers.—(1) The High Court or the State Government, as the case may be, may withdraw all or any of the powers conferred by it under this Code on any person or by any officer subordinate to it.
(2) Any powers conferred by the Chief Judicial Magistrate or by the District Magistrate may be withdrawn by the respective Magistrate by whom such powers were conferred.
35. Powers of Judges and Magistrates exercisable by their successors-in-office.—(1) Subject to the other provisions of this Code, the powers and duties of a Judge or Magistrate may be exercised or performed by his successor-in-office.
(2) When there is any doubt as to who is the successor-in-office of any Additional or Assistant Sessions Judge, the Sessions Judge shall determine by order in writing the Judge who shall, for the purposes of this Code or of any proceedings or order thereunder, be deemed to be the successor-in-office of such Additional or Assistant Sessions Judge.
(3) When there is any doubt as to who is the successor-in-office of any Magistrate, the Chief Judicial Magistrate, or the District Magistrate, as the case may be, shall determine by order in writing the Magistrate who shall, for the purpose of this Code or of any proceedings or order thereunder, be deemed to be the successor-in-office of such Magistrate.