Section 31 Drugs And Costmetics Act, Sec 31 of DCA
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31. Confiscation. — 5[(1)] Where any person has been convicted under this Chapter for contravening any such provision of this Chapter or any rule made thereunder as may be specified by rule made in this behalf, the stock of the drug 6[or cosmetic] in respect of which the contravention has been made shall be liable to confiscation 7[and if such contravention is in respect of—
8[(i) manufacture of any drug deemed to be misbranded under section 17, adulterated under section 17A or spurious under section 17B; or]
(ii) 9[manufacture for sale, or for distribution, sale, or stocking, or exhibiting or offer ing for sale,] or distribution of any drug without a valid licence as required under clause (c) of section 18,
any implements or machinery used in such manufacture, sale or distribution and any receptacles packages or coverings in which such drug is contained and the animals, vehicles, vessels or other conveyances used in carrying such drug shall also be liable to confiscation].
10[(2) Without prejudice to the provisions contained in sub-section (1), where the Court is satisfied, on the application of an Inspector or otherwise and after such inquiry as may be necessary that the drug or cosmetic is not of standard quali ty 11[or is a 9[misbranded, adulterated or spurious drug or misbranded or spurious cosmetic,] such drug or, as the case may be, such cosmetic shall be liable to confiscation.]
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